Links: 101 AWS SAA Index
- Helps with auditing and recording strict compliance of your AWS resources based on the rules that we set.
- Using AWS Config we setup rules to adhere to the compliance.
- Helps us record configuration and changes over time so that we can roll back.
- AWS config is a per region service which can be aggregated across regions and accounts.
- There is a possibility of storing the configuration data into S3 (analysed by Athena)
- Not a free service.
Questions solved by AWS config
- Is there unrestricted SSH access to my security groups?
- Do my buckets have any public access?
- How has my ALB configuration changed over time?
- Password policy
- Is there a port which I always want closed?
Keywords: compliance, history, configuration changes.
Config Rules¶
- We can use AWS managed config rules (over 75)
- We can make our own custom config rules.
- It must be defined in AWS Lambda.
- Example: If the EBS disk is of type gp2.
- Rules can be evaluated/triggered for:
- Each config change
- At regular time intervals.
- AWS config rules are just for compliance and they DON'T prevent actions from happening.
- We can view the compliance & configuration of a resource over time.
- Config can be linked with CloudTrail to get a full picture.
- Automate remediation of non-compliant resources using SSM Automation Documents
- Use AWS-Managed Automation Documents or create custom Automation Documents
- You can create custom Automation Documents that invokes Lambda function
We can use EventBridge to trigger notifications whenever our resources are not compliant.
We can also send all the configuration changes to SNS and then use SNS filtering or filtering at client side.
How can we can use EventBridge to detect and react to changes in the status of AWS Config events?
For example: A company requires that IAM users must rotate their access keys every 60 days. If an access key is found to older it must be removed. - The AWS Config rule can be configured using the "access-keys-rotated" managed rule which checks if the active access keys are rotated within the number of days specified in maxAccessKeyAge. - The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the access keys have not been rotated for more than maxAccessKeyAge number of days. - Amazon EventBridge can react to the change of state to NON_COMPLIANT and trigger an AWS Lambda function that invalidates and removes the access key.
Aggregators (SOA)¶
- The aggregator is created in one central aggregator account.
- Aggregates rules, resources, etc across multiple accounts & regions
- If using AWS Organisations, no need for individual Authorisation
- Rules are created in each individual source AWS account.
- Can deploy rules to multiple target accounts using CloudFormation StackSets.
Last updated: 2023-03-22