S3 Websites
Links: 101 AWS SAA Index
- S3 can host websites and make them accessible to the public internet.
- It can be used to distribute static content.
- The URLs can be different depending on the region.
Bucket name should be same as the domain or subdomain name.
- We can use referrer policy in the bucket policy that allows
permission with a condition, using theaws:referer
key, that the get request must originate from specific webpages.
Steps to host a static website¶
- We need to enable static website hosting for the bucket by going to properties. Once enabled we will get a URL. If we try to access this now we will get 403 error.
- If you get a 403 (Forbidden) error then make sure the bucket policy allows public reads.
- We need to allow public access in permissions
Allow public read access using bucket policies for all (
) the objects in the bucket (without this also we will get 403 errors)- ```json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": "Policy1646646068967", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1646646067735", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::hugahugalulu/" } ] }
After and before the bucket policy
Upload an index document and enter the name of the index document when enabling static website hosting.
- CORS stands for cross origin resource sharing which means you want to get resources from other origins
- For same origin protocol, host and port should be same.
Web browsers enforce this. This means you can make requests to other origin only if the other origin allows this using the CORS header (ex:
). -
Same and different origin
We always do a preflight first to determine if our origin is allowed. If allowed then what methods are allowed.
- It is an XML document.
- If a client does a cross origin request on our S3 bucket we need to enable CORS headers. If not enabled then the request will not go through.
- We can allow a specific origin or all the origins (*)
The CORS headers have to be defined on the cross origin bucket and not the website bucket.
A CORS configuration is an XML file that contains a series of rules within a
- Specifies domain origins that you allow to make cross-domain requests.AllowedMethod
- Specifies a type of request you allow (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD) in cross-domain requests.AllowedHeader
- Specifies the headers allowed in a preflight request.
Below are some of the
- Specifies the amount of time in seconds that the browser caches an Amazon S3 response to a preflight OPTIONS request for the specified resource.- By caching the response, the browser does not have to send preflight requests to Amazon S3 if the original request will be repeated.
- Identifies the response headers that customers are able to access from their applications.
If you allow CORS access to a domain it allows a user to view, add, remove or update objects (depending on the rule) inside the S3 bucket from the allowed domain.
[!question]- A digital marketing company has its website hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket A. The development team notices that the web fonts that are hosted on another S3 bucket B are not loading on the website. Configure CORS on the bucket B that is hosting the web fonts to allow Bucket A origin to make the requests.
Last updated: 2023-03-13