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Recommended Reads: ECS DVA
- It stands for Elastic Container Service
- It allows us to launch docker containers on AWS.
- ECS has integration with ALB.
- AWS takes care of starting and stopping the containers.
ECS tasks are abstraction over Containers.
ECS services and cluster
Container → Task → Service → Cluster
- Suppose we have an ECS cluster with EC2 launch type.
- We can have multiple containers in a task. Like sidecar containers.
- A task is similar to a pod in k8s.
- In a service we can have multiple tasks spread across EC2 instances.
- If we wanted to expose these tasks then we could create an ALB.
- We can have multiple services in an ECS cluster.
You can use CloudWatch Events to run Amazon ECS tasks when certain AWS events occur.
Launch Types¶
- ECS has 2 launch types.
- Cost:
- ECS with EC2 launch type is charged based on EC2 instances and EBS volumes used.
- ECS with Fargate launch type is charged based on CPU and memory resources that the containerised application requests.
EC2 Launch Type¶
- To have an ECS cluster across multiple AZs we create an ASG and place some EC2 instances in it.
- The containers will belong to this ASG and we want to register these machines with ECS. To do so we run the ECS agent on these EC2 instances. We don’t have to do this manually if we are using an AMI made for ECS. The ECS agent will come preconfigured.
- With the help of the ECS agent all the machines will be registered to the ECS cluster.
- To launch ECS tasks we have to create EC2 instances.
Fargate Launch Type¶
- In Fargate here is NO need to provision the infrastructure
- It is a lot simpler and is known as the serverless offering.
- AWS will run the containers based on the CPU or RAM we need.
- Tasks are automatically created without the need to start EC2 instances. To access the Fargate task we will have ENIs (Elastic Network Interface) which will also be launched within our VPC. They will bind to the fargate task.
- Each task will have a unique ENI.
- Since each task will get its own unique private IP we need to make sure that our VPC has these many private IPs.
IAM Roles for ECS¶
- These tasks will be interacting with different services we need IAM roles for them.
- Each task should have a specific role known as task role.
- You define the Task Role to use
- in your task definitions
- you can use a
override when running a task manually with the RunTask API operation.
- With the task roles only the task can access the particular services.
Different roles for different launch types
- Note that there are instances roles (also known as EC2 Instance profile) and task roles that you can assign in ECS when using the EC2 launch type.
- You should not apply the permissions to the container instance (instance role) as they will then apply to all tasks running on the instance as well as the instance itself.
- In case of fargate you can only assign task roles.
Difference between task role and instance role (EC2 instance profile)
EC2 Instance Profile: All the administration and control tasks. - Used by the ECS agent - Makes API calls to ECS service - Send container logs to Cloud Watch Logs - Pull Docker image from ECR - Reference sensitive data in Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store
ECS Task Role: Permissions related to talking to services. - Each task should have a specific role. - Use different roles for the different ECS Services you run - Task Role is defined in the task definition.
A company is developing a new online game that will run on top of Amazon ECS. Four distinct Amazon ECS services will be part of the architecture, each requiring specific permissions to various AWS services. The company wants to optimise the use of the underlying Amazon EC2 instances by bin packing the containers based on memory reservation. Which configuration would allow the Development team to meet these requirements MOST securely?
- Create four distinct IAM roles, each containing the required permissions for the associated ECS services, then configure each ECS task definition to reference the associated IAM role.
- It is a best practice to use IAM roles for tasks instead of assigning the roles to the container instances.
You cannot assign container instance roles to tasks if fargate is the launch type we will have to assign just IAM roles to the tasks.
A developer is building an application that will be hosted in ECS and must be configured to run tasks and services using the Fargate launch type. The application will have four different tasks, each of which will access different AWS resources than the others. Which of the following is the MOST efficient solution that can provide your application in ECS access to the required AWS resources? Create 4 different IAM Roles with the required permissions and attach them to each of the 4 ECS tasks.
Creating 4 different Container Instance IAM Roles with the required permissions and attaching them to each of the 4 ECS tasks is INCORRECT because a Container Instance IAM Role only applies if you are using the EC2 launch type. Take note that the scenario says that the application will be using a Fargate launch type.
ECS Data Volumes¶
- ECS has an integration with EFS file system. We can easily share data between ECS tasks between AZs.
- Tasks launched in any AZ will be able to share the same data in the EFS volume
- Fargate + EFS = serverless + data storage without managing servers
- We can mount the EFS file system on these ECS tasks.
- Works for both EC2 instances and fargate tasks.
FSx For Lustre is not supported. Amazon S3 cannot be mounted as a file system.
Load Balancing¶
EC2 Launch Type¶
- ALB supports dynamic port mapping.
- It will find the right port on the EC2 instance.
- You must allow on the EC2 instance's security group any port from the ALB security group
Fargate Launch Type¶
- Each task has a unique private IP.
- You must allow on the ENI's security group the task port from the ALB security group.
- ECS service scales automatically to launch a new task.
- This works for both fargate and EC2 launch type. The only difference is that for EC2 launch type you will have to sometimes scale the EC2 instances with an ASG to create space for new tasks.
- The following metrics are available for ECS Service:
Rolling Updates¶
- When updating ECS from v1 to v2 we can control how many tasks will be stopped, started and in which order.
Last updated: 2023-02-17